Where Is the Auto Trace Tool in Illustrator

In that tutorial I'll be demonstrating how to line an image to vector with Illustrator, both in semblance and in monotone. For this lesson I'll be using the Image Follow feature in Adobe Illustrator, which allows us to make automobile tracings of images as opposed to manually tracing them with something like the Pen Tool.

The following is a scrawled overview of the steps taken to create these automatically generated vector tracings. There's a TV tutorial below where I walk you through each interpose case you rule it easier to learn by watching preferably than reading.

Post Contents

Here's an outline of the teacher in case you'd wish to skip to specific segments.

Flat Tracing

  • Step 1: Remove vividness and increase contrast of the photo in Photoshop
  • Step 2: Import the adjusted photo into Illustrator
  • Step 3: Make a transmitter trace of the photo using the Image Trace feature
  • Step 4: Thrive the image to finalize your vector tracing and edit out it foster

Color Tracing

  • Step 1: Importation your exposure into Illustrator
  • Step 2: Make a vector trace of the pic, in color, using the Image Trace feature article
  • Step 3: Expound the image to finalize your vector tracing and edit it farther

Trace An Image To Transmitter with Illustrator: Monotone Tracing

Let's bestir oneself with a demonstration along how to trace an persona to vector with Illustrator in a simple monotone, operating theatre print, format.

Step 1: Set Image in Photoshop

For this demonstration I'll be using the following example image to create my transmitter tracing.

Example photo

In arrange to dumbfound a more accurate trace of my image, I'm first leaving to open the image with Photoshop so that I bathroom do the following…

  • Take the saturation
  • Increment the line between the dark and idle areas

The reason why I'm doing this is so that I can bring a more true tracing. The way that the Image Trace feature whole kit in Illustrator is that it scans your picture and references the dark and light areas to determine what to trace. If we're fit to help delimit those areas a bit better, we'll receive a more accurate tracing.

I'd impartial same to note that this maltreat is completely optional. If you'd rather hardly trace your image as-is, then feel free to skip to step 2. But if you'd like to get the most accurate tracing possible, interpret on.

Take out Saturation

Expressed your image with Photoshop and use the Imbue/Saturation Adjustment layer to remove the vividness.

In the Chromaticity/Intensity menu, take the Saturation slider and bring IT clear to the left wing. This will strip the color from your icon and fix it easier to separate the darker areas from the lighter areas.

Removing the saturation with Photoshop

Adjust Colorise Curves

Now we'Re exit to increase the contrast between the dark and light areas of the image by exploitation the Curves adjustment.

Adjusted color curves

In the Curves menu, take the node at the bottom-left and slide information technology to the right to increase the intensity of the dark areas in your image. Then, issue the guest to the top-right and slide it to the leftist to addition the intensity of the igniter areas of your image.

The arcdegree to which you should make these adjustments leave depend entirely along your image. What works for my example image North Korean won't necessarily work for your image if it's contrary, so be fated to experiment with it a bit.

Present's how our well-adjusted image will look once finished.

Example photo adjusted

This will help the Image Draw feature create a more high-fidelity vector tracing of the photo. The image derriere now be exported and so foreign into Illustrator.

Step 2: Import Figure of speech Into Illustrator

Now we're going to import our fancy into Illustrator. To coif so, attend File cabinet > Situatio. You testament so be prompted to browse for an paradigm to import into your written document.

Footfall 3: Tracing Image

To trace an image to vector with Illustrator, opened upwards the Image Tracing window by navigating to Window > Image Line. If the carte interface is grayed out then good deselect your image and then select it again.

Toggle the Trailer setting to puzzle a prevue of your transmitter tracing, then manipulation the settings to adjust your tracing as needful.

Creating a vector tracing of an image

The settings to adjust are as follows….

  • Threshold
  • Paths
  • Corners
  • Haphazardness

Tweak all of these settings until you gravel a transmitter tracing you're happy with. The settings you should economic consumption will vary aside image. The settings I used in my example won't of necessity play for you if you'atomic number 75 using a different image, thus be in for to experiment with them a bit.

Once you're happy with how your transmitter tracing looks, toggle off the Preview and click Trace to create your transmitter trace.

Footprint 4: Amplify Image

Now it's time to finalize your transmitter tracing so that you can edit information technology and work with it further. To practise so, select your tracing, then pilot to Object > Amplify and click OK. Then, navigate to Object > Ungroup. Just a heads up: you leave wealthy person to ungroup the tracing doubly, so make sure to navigate to Ungroup a second time.

You will today have a vector trace of your image that you tush falsify A if it were any new vector physical object.

Image that was traced to vector

These sorts of tracings can make up used for logos, emblems, badges, and used arsenic designs for merchandise the likes of t shirts and hats.

Trace An Image To Vector with Illustrator: Coloring Trace

Now let's go over how to build a vector tracing of an image in color. This works very similarly to the monotone variation, only we preceptor't have to correct the image in Photoshop basic, and we'll embody exploitation a different mise en scene in the Project Trace characteristic.

Step 1: Import Image Into Illustrator

Import your image into Illustrator by navigating to File > Place. You will then be prompted to choose a file to import.

For this demonstration I'll be victimisation the same example image that I utilized for the previous demonstration.

Example photo

Step 2: Trace Image

To create your vector trace in people of colour, select your image and navigate to Window > Project Trace. If the menu user interface is grayed out then just deselect your mental image and so select it again.

To trace your image in people of colour rather than print, work sure to choose the Auto-Color stage setting at the top of the fare. Information technology's the image all the way to the left-handed. And so click Prevue to understand how your tracing will look.

Auto-Color setting in the Image Trace menu

Equitable the like we did in the late demonstration, we'll have to pick off the settings to our liking. The primary setting to pay attention to is Colors. The higher the number of colors, the to a greater extent photo-realistic your vector trace will look. The less colors, the more cartoon-ish it testament look.

Adjusting these settings may freeze up your computer for a bit because of how CPU-intensive this is, so try to be patient.

Image traced in color

Once you're mitigated with the trailer, you can create the tracing by deselecting Preview and clicking Trace.

Step 3: Flourish Image

To settle on the design so that you stern work with IT further, navigate to Object > Thrive and click OK. Then, navigate to Object > Ungroup. You will have to ungroup the image twice, so make a point to navigate to Ungroup a second time.

You volition now be healthy to alter your color vector tracing still you'd the likes of.


This concludes our tutorial on how to auto trace an image to vector with Illustrator, in some monotone and in color. In the future I will likely do a Sir Thomas More advanced tutorial where I demonstrate how to throw a manual trace that provides for straight-grained more accuracy.

If you have any questions only leave a comment below. As always, thanks for watching!

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Where Is the Auto Trace Tool in Illustrator

Source: https://logosbynick.com/trace-an-image-to-vector-with-illustrator/

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