How to Increase the File Size Limit Upload Mailwizz

The globe of email marketing is changing every twenty-four hours, and as more and more brands recognize the value of email marketing – the more difficult it is to stand out in your customers' inboxes. I way brands can differentiate themselves in electronic mail is through video. In fact, including video in your electronic mail marketing campaigns and subject field lines tin can increase open rates by xix% and click-through-rates of 200-300%.

While there's a lot of talk almost video in e-mail, it can seem pretty daunting and expensive. Let'south explore how y'all tin can (and cannot) include video in your emails, and how to all-time increase appointment of your content.

Can I embed video in the email?

The uncomplicated respond is yes. The complex is answer is…well, it depends. There are a couple of problems to consider. When you call up about it, when was the last time y'all actually watched a video within an email? If you're a Gmail user, the respond is "I recall I've watched a YouTube video a few times". If you're a Microsoft Outlook user – the answer is "never". The same goes for email on iOS or Android devices.

The problem is that a lot of these inbox providers are not compatible with embedded video, which means to get the benefits of video in email marketing, you need to find some tools and loopholes.

When Litmus was putting together their Email Blueprint Conference, they knew they had to exercise something artistic with their emails, and so they were 1 of the outset to really try embedded video in e-mail. The upshot definitely caught the eye of those who saw information technology; however, simply almost twoscore% of users could really viewed the video in their electronic mail customer.

Litmus email conference email

While this was four years agone, unfortunately email clients haven't changed all that much, and video embedded within an e-mail is still not the best practice. In that location are options, though.

An culling to video in email: Animated GIFs & Thumbnails

The best way to leverage the power of video in your e-mail campaigns is to use animated GIFs to bulldoze attending to the nigh seductive of internet activity: moving images. Your audience has become accepted to short snippets of video previewing the content they are near to watch, including previews on major streaming platforms like YouTube and Netflix.

A major goal of all electronic mail marketing is to, of course, have your audience engage further with your content, products, or services. Then, having the power to concenter users to your landing page where yous tin incentivize further appointment is much more attractive to marketers than embedding the video in the electronic mail itself. The goal is that your readers click back to your website, not to stay within the electronic mail.

Y'all can likewise simply use a static image coupled with a play push button superimposed on the paradigm to indicate to your audience that selecting the play button will send them directly to a video.

The million-dollar question though is this: do you autoplay the video or not? In almost cases, autoplay video is frowned upon, information technology'south abrasive when y'all country on a folio and of a sudden a video and its audio first playing when you weren't expecting it. This is especially true if you're on a phone and your precious data is existence eaten up.

In this example however, autoplay videos works well, primarily considering the user has already indicated interest in watching a video by clicking the play button, so you're completely within your moral universal internet rights to autoplay your video.

Key steps to pairing video with electronic mail marketing

Once you lot've decided that yeah – I am going to be a video marketing guru and starting time including video in my email campaigns, the work has just begun. In that location are three major steps you will demand to take to make the most out of your campaigns: institute your campaign goals; film quality video content, and optimize for engagement.

Constitute your email campaign'southward goals

Just like any marketing tactic you explore, y'all need to place the goal of your campaign earlier getting into the weeds. Fifty-fifty Tommy Wiseau had something resembling a programme.

Showtime off, what are yous hoping to reach with your video? Are yous trying to become users to effort a new characteristic? Are you promoting an upcoming event? Practise y'all have a new product that you want to bear witness the world? Or maybe you lot just want to drive as many views equally possible to your video.

Create the right content for the goal you are trying to achieve. Sometimes, a 7-x 2nd video is all you lot demand to show your great new product, and sometimes an in-depth tutorial or course is exactly what your audience is looking for. If yous're goal is to drive sales, what call to actions are y'all baking into the video to directly people to buy pages? If you're goal is to simply increase the number of views, what are you doing in the outset 3 seconds to capture the attention of the user and incentivize them to stick effectually for the whole video?

Film quality video content for your email

Sometimes a webcam video is enough, and in fact it can be a great way to show a personal touch if yous are looking to personalize video in your email marketing strategy. Other times, though, a touch of flare and product quality is important to inspire trust and encourage appointment throughout the video and into the next pace in the journey you want to send your audience on.

To produce a video that falls somewhere between your grandparents trying to figure out video conferencing and Mad Max: Fury Road, you need to keep in mind four key things:

  1. Lighting,
  2. Dimensions and format,
  3. Cameras and lenses,
  4. Audio.

I'll leave it to the squad over at Vidyard who show united states how you tin easily shoot high quality B2B videos on your smartphone for nether $250.

Optimize your video marketing for date

Finally, once y'all have established your goals and filmed that perfect video, yous now need to optimize your audiences feel to ensure you are driving attention precisely where y'all want it.

Check the transition from email to video

Kickoff, make sure that the transition from email to the landing folio is seamless by ensuring the video is set to auto-play, that the video is clearly visible above the fold on your landing folio, and that the videos size isn't too big that will cause slow load times. This last bespeak is specially truthful for users navigating to your site on mobile devices, which will already take a bit longer to load and could destroy data usage for many users.

Strategically place your CTAs

As your audience is viewing the video, create clear calls-to-action throughout that are both valuable and unobtrusive. While VH1's Pop-Up Video may have gotten abroad with abrasive pop-ups all through the 90s, today you lot need to brand popular-ups and call-outs within the video subtle, and clearly adding value to the user feel.

This is peculiarly important during those moments when you expect users to driblet off, including the first ten seconds when you lot need to capture the viewer'southward attending earlier they get out. On longer videos, those over 10-minutes, nigh of your viewers are gone by the l% mark. Pay close attention to your audition memory stats to make up one's mind when most users go out and create CTAs just earlier these moments to bulldoze farther engagement.

Video Length Based on Time

Create dedicated landing pages

To encourage ongoing date, you'll likewise need to ship your audience to a landing page yous ain, that is designed to ensure connected engagement with your content, products, or services.

Far too many brands are still sending their audience to YouTube, or Vimeo, or some other tertiary party page to sentinel their content. You can either own the unabridged multimedia experience that your audience is about to commence on, or you tin can send them to a page to watch your video and inevitably get distracted past the latest cat video recommended to them. Optimizing your videos is about more than just the video – it's about the unabridged user experience.

Embrace personalization

Finally, the most exciting and high affect mode of optimizing your video marketing is through personalization. Businesses tin see a 500% increase in e-mail appointment with video personalization. While this can exist difficult for bulk mailing, there are a lot of tools coming out that tin can connect your CRM and databases to your video content that seamlessly embeds personal details like names, companies, cities, and more right into a video.

If we've learned anything over the past decade, it's that personalization is the cardinal to successful marketing and video is the side by side forefront of this trend. Go set for your name and data all over billboards and street signs in the videos you watch.

How to send videos in emails

Sending videos in electronic mail tin be catchy. Video file sizes are ordinarily too large to transport as a raw file, and different e-mail clients support different video players. For example, Apple Mail service and iOS ten+ devices support HTML5 video players, while Gmail simply supports YouTube videos, and Outlook doesn't back up any video at all.

If you're emailing a list and want to brand sure you are sure that all of your recipients volition be able to view the video, you tin can send a GIF or prototype preview of the video in the electronic mail, and link it to a video landing page.

A benefit of using a video landing folio is that once your viewer is on the folio, you tin can easily convert them to the next footstep in the marketing funnel: signing up for a free trial, scheduling a sales coming together, or purchasing from the video landing page.

To ship a video in electronic mail this way, you simply:

  1. Record your video
  2. Host your video on a landing page
  3. Create an image or GIF preview from your video
  4. Add the preview to your email sending platform equally an epitome
  5. Hyperlink your video preview to the video landing page
Sendspark embed video example

Yous can utilise a platform like Sendspark to practice the heavy lifting for y'all. With Sendspark, you can record, asking or upload a video online, customize a video landing page and GIF thumbnail, and then easily add that to your electronic mail template.

On Mailjet, this is as uncomplicated as adding an image on Passport and linking to your favorite landing page.

Summing upwards: video can raise your email campaigns

  1. Yes, it's possible to embed video in your emails, only it's non the all-time experience for your audience and it doesn't bring them to an optimized landing page for further engagement.
  2. Animated GIFs and Video Thumbnails are the all-time way to add together video to your email marketing, and in fact can increase CTRs by 200-300%
  3. Focus first on your goals, and then focus on producing the all-time video to achieve these goals.
  4. Producing expert quality video doesn't need to cost you your entire budget – in fact the whole solution is in your pocket.
  5. Optimize everything! Create the best user experience for your audience to watch and interactively appoint with your content.

Get those cameras out and stand out from the crowd. What videos are you going to produce this summertime? Tell us all almost it on Twitter.


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