How to Arrays in Python Work Again

Python Array Tutorial – Define, Index, Methods

In this article, you'll learn how to utilize Python arrays. You'll see how to ascertain them and the different methods normally used for performing operations on them.

The artcile covers arrays that you create by importing the array module. We won't cover NumPy arrays here.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Arrays
    1. The differences between Lists and Arrays
    2. When to utilise arrays
  2. How to use arrays
    1. Define arrays
    2. Find the length of arrays
    3. Array indexing
    4. Search through arrays
    5. Loop through arrays
    6. Slice an array
  3. Array methods for performing operations
    1. Change an existing value
    2. Add a new value
    3. Remove a value
  4. Conclusion

Let'southward get started!

What are Python Arrays?

Arrays are a fundamental data structure, and an important function of most programming languages. In Python, they are containers which are able to store more than i item at the aforementioned time.

Specifically, they are an ordered collection of elements with every value existence of the same data type. That is the most important affair to remember about Python arrays - the fact that they tin can merely hold a sequence of multiple items that are of the aforementioned type.

What's the Departure betwixt Python Lists and Python Arrays?

Lists are ane of the about mutual data structures in Python, and a core role of the language.

Lists and arrays behave similarly.

Just like arrays, lists are an ordered sequence of elements.

They are also mutable and non stock-still in size, which ways they tin grow and compress throughout the life of the program. Items can be added and removed, making them very flexible to work with.

However, lists and arrays are non the same thing.

Lists store items that are of various information types. This means that a listing tin can incorporate integers, floating point numbers, strings, or any other Python data type, at the same time. That is not the case with arrays.

As mentioned in the department above, arrays store only items that are of the aforementioned single data type. At that place are arrays that contain merely integers, or merely floating signal numbers, or only whatever other Python information type you want to use.

When to Use Python Arrays

Lists are built into the Python programming language, whereas arrays aren't. Arrays are non a built-in data structure, and therefore need to exist imported via the array module in order to be used.

Arrays of the assortment module are a sparse wrapper over C arrays, and are useful when y'all want to piece of work with homogeneous data.

They are likewise more than meaty and have upward less memory and infinite which makes them more size efficient compared to lists.

If y'all want to perform mathematical calculations, and then you should employ NumPy arrays by importing the NumPy bundle. Besides that, you lot should only employ Python arrays when you really demand to, equally lists work in a similar way and are more flexible to work with.

How to Use Arrays in Python

In guild to create Python arrays, yous'll first take to import the array module which contains all the necassary functions.

There are iii ways yous can import the assortment module:

  1. By using import array at the top of the file. This includes the module array. You would then go on to create an array using array.assortment().
                import array  #how you lot would create an array array.assortment()                              
  1. Instead of having to type array.assortment() all the time, you could utilize import array as arr at the top of the file, instead of import assortment alone. You lot would then create an array by typing arr.assortment(). The arr acts as an alias name, with the assortment constructor then immediately post-obit it.
                import array as arr  #how you would create an array arr.assortment()                              
  1. Lastly, you lot could also employ from assortment import *, with * importing all the functionalities bachelor. You would then create an array by writing the array() constructor alone.
                from array import *  #how y'all would create an array array()                              

How to Define Arrays in Python

In one case you've imported the array module, you can then go on to define a Python assortment.

The general syntax for creating an assortment looks like this:

                variable_name = array(typecode,[elements])                              

Let'due south interruption information technology down:

  • variable_name would be the name of the array.
  • The typecode specifies what kind of elements would exist stored in the array. Whether information technology would exist an array of integers, an assortment of floats or an array of any other Python data blazon. Retrieve that all elements should be of the same data blazon.
  • Within foursquare brackets you mention the elements that would be stored in the array, with each element being separated by a comma. Yous tin likewise create an empty array by merely writing variable_name = assortment(typecode) solitary, without whatever elements.

Below is a typecode tabular array, with the different typecodes that can be used with the different data types when defining Python arrays:

Typecode C type Python Type Size
'b' signed char int 1
'B' unsigned char int 1
'u' wchar_t Unicode grapheme 2
'h' signed short int 2
'H' unsigned short int 2
'i' signed int int 2
'I' unsigned int int ii
'l' signed long int iv
'L' unsigned long int iv
'q' signed long long int 8
'Q' unsigned long long int 8
'f' float float 4
'd' double float 8

Tying everything together, here is an example of how you would define an array in Python:

                import array as arr   numbers = arr.array('i',[x,xx,30])   print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [10, xx, xxx])                              

Let's interruption it down:

  • Get-go we included the array module, in this case with import array as arr .
  • And so, we created a numbers assortment.
  • We used arr.array() considering of import assortment as arr .
  • Inside the array() constructor, we first included i, for signed integer. Signed integer ways that the array tin can include positive and negative values. Unsigned integer, with H for example, would mean that no negative values are allowed.
  • Lastly, we included the values to be stored in the array in foursquare brackets.

Keep in mind that if yous tried to include values that were not of i typecode, pregnant they were not integer values, you lot would get an error:

                import array equally arr   numbers = arr.assortment('i',[10.0,20,30])   print(numbers)  #output  #Traceback (near contempo telephone call final): # File "/Users/dionysialemonaki/python_articles/", line fourteen, in <module> #   numbers = arr.assortment('i',[ten.0,20,30]) #TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted every bit an integer                              

In the instance in a higher place, I tried to include a floating bespeak number in the array. I got an error considering this is meant to be an integer assortment only.

Another manner to create an array is the post-obit:

                from array import *  #an array of floating point values numbers = assortment('d',[10.0,20.0,30.0])  print(numbers)  #output  #array('d', [10.0, xx.0, 30.0])                              

The example higher up imported the array module via from assortment import * and created an array numbers of float data blazon. This means that information technology holds only floating point numbers, which is specified with the 'd' typecode.

How to Find the Length of an Array in Python

To find out the exact number of elements contained in an assortment, use the built-in len() method.

It will return the integer number that is equal to the total number of elements in the array yous specify.

                import assortment as arr   numbers = arr.assortment('i',[x,20,30])   print(len(numbers))  #output # 3                              

In the example to a higher place, the assortment contained iii elements – 10, 20, thirty – so the length of numbers is iii.

Array Indexing and How to Access Private Items in an Array in Python

Each item in an array has a specific accost. Individual items are accessed by referencing their alphabetize number.

Indexing in Python, and in all programming languages and calculating in general, starts at 0. It is of import to remember that counting starts at 0 and not at one.

To access an element, you beginning write the proper noun of the array followed by foursquare brackets. Inside the foursquare brackets you include the item's alphabetize number.

The general syntax would look something similar this:


Hither is how you would access each individual element in an array:

                import assortment as arr   numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,thirty])  print(numbers[0]) # gets the 1st element impress(numbers[ane]) # gets the 2nd element print(numbers[ii]) # gets the third element  #output  #10 #20 #30                              

Recall that the alphabetize value of the final chemical element of an array is e'er ane less than the length of the assortment. Where n is the length of the array, north - one will be the alphabetize value of the last item.

Annotation that yous can as well access each individual chemical element using negative indexing.

With negative indexing, the last element would have an index of -one, the second to concluding element would accept an index of -two, and then on.

Here is how you would go each particular in an assortment using that method:

                import array every bit arr   numbers = arr.array('i',[10,20,30])  print(numbers[-1]) #gets terminal item print(numbers[-2]) #gets 2nd to last particular print(numbers[-3]) #gets first detail   #output  #30 #20 #ten                              

How to Search Through an Array in Python

Yous can discover out an element's index number by using the alphabetize() method.

Yous pass the value of the element existence searched equally the argument to the method, and the element'due south alphabetize number is returned.

                import array as arr   numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,xxx])  #search for the index of the value 10 impress(numbers.index(10))  #output  #0                              

If there is more than than i chemical element with the same value, the alphabetize of the kickoff instance of the value will exist returned:

                import array equally arr    numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,30,x,20,30])  #search for the index of the value 10 #volition return the index number of the kickoff case of the value 10 print(numbers.index(10))  #output  #0                              

How to Loop through an Assortment in Python

You lot've seen how to access each private element in an array and impress it out on its ain.

You've also seen how to print the assortment, using the print() method. That method gives the following result:

                import array as arr   numbers = arr.assortment('i',[x,20,30])  print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [10, xx, 30])                              

What if y'all want to print each value one by ane?

This is where a loop comes in handy. You lot can loop through the array and print out each value, one-by-ane, with each loop iteration.

For this you tin can use a simple for loop:

                import array as arr   numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,thirty])  for number in numbers:     print(number)      #output #x #20 #30                              

You could also use the range() function, and laissez passer the len() method as its parameter. This would give the same outcome as above:

                import assortment as arr    values = arr.array('i',[10,xx,30])  #prints each individual value in the array for value in range(len(values)):     print(values[value])  #output  #10 #20 #30                              

How to Slice an Array in Python

To access a specific range of values inside the array, utilise the slicing operator, which is a colon :.

When using the slicing operator and you but include one value, the counting starts from 0 by default. It gets the beginning item, and goes up to merely non including the index number you specify.

                                  import assortment as arr   #original assortment numbers = arr.assortment('i',[ten,twenty,thirty])  #get the values ten and 20 but print(numbers[:2])  #first to second position  #output  #array('i', [x, 20])                              

When you pass two numbers as arguments, you specify a range of numbers. In this example, the counting starts at the position of the starting time number in the range, and up to simply non including the 2d 1:

                import array as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,xxx])   #go the values 20 and thirty only impress(numbers[1:iii]) #second to 3rd position  #output  #rray('i', [xx, thirty])                              

Methods For Performing Operations on Arrays in Python

Arrays are mutable, which means they are changeable. You can modify the value of the different items, add new ones, or remove any yous don't want in your program anymore.

Permit's see some of the virtually commonly used methods which are used for performing operations on arrays.

How to Change the Value of an Item in an Assortment

You can change the value of a specific element by speficying its position and assigning it a new value:

                import array as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[10,20,30])  #change the first element #change it from having a value of 10 to having a value of twoscore numbers[0] = xl  print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [40, twenty, 30])                              

How to Add a New Value to an Array

To add ane unmarried value at the end of an assortment, use the suspend() method:

                import assortment as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[10,xx,30])  #add the integer 40 to the end of numbers numbers.append(twoscore)  impress(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [ten, 20, 30, twoscore])                              

Be enlightened that the new detail y'all add needs to be the same information type as the balance of the items in the assortment.

Wait what happens when I try to add together a float to an array of integers:

                import array equally arr   #original array numbers = arr.assortment('i',[x,xx,xxx])  #add the integer forty to the end of numbers numbers.append(40.0)  print(numbers)  #output  #Traceback (most contempo phone call concluding): #  File "/Users/dionysialemonaki/python_articles/", line nineteen, in <module> #   numbers.append(40.0) #TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer                              

Merely what if you want to add more than one value to the end an array?

Use the extend() method, which takes an iterable (such as a list of items) every bit an argument. Again, make certain that the new items are notwithstanding data blazon.

                import array as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[ten,20,30])  #add the integers 40,50,threescore to the end of numbers #The numbers need to be enclosed in square brackets  numbers.extend([40,fifty,60])  print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [ten, xx, 30, twoscore, fifty, 60])                              

And what if you don't desire to add an item to the end of an array? Use the insert() method, to add an detail at a specific position.

The insert() function takes two arguments: the index number of the position the new element volition be inserted, and the value of the new chemical element.

                import array as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[ten,20,thirty])  #add the integer 40 in the first position #remember indexing starts at 0  numbers.insert(0,40)  print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [forty, 10, 20, 30])                              

How to Remove a Value from an Array

To remove an chemical element from an array, use the remove() method and include the value as an statement to the method.

                import array as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[10,twenty,thirty])  numbers.remove(10)  impress(numbers)  #output  #assortment('i', [20, 30])                              

With remove(), only the first example of the value y'all pass as an argument volition be removed.

Encounter what happens when in that location are more than one identical values:

                                  import array equally arr   #original assortment numbers = arr.array('i',[10,20,30,ten,xx])  numbers.remove(10)  print(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [twenty, 30, ten, twenty])                              

Only the start occurence of 10 is removed.

You tin also use the pop() method, and specify the position of the element to be removed:

                import assortment as arr   #original array numbers = arr.array('i',[x,20,thirty,10,20])  #remove the offset instance of ten numbers.pop(0)  impress(numbers)  #output  #array('i', [20, 30, 10, 20])                              


And in that location you accept it - you now know the basics of how to create arrays in Python using the assortment module. Hopefully you institute this guide helpful.

To learn more about Python, cheque out freeCodeCamp's Scientific Calculating with Python Certification.

You lot'll start from the nuts and learn in an interacitve and beginner-friendly way. You lot'll as well build v projects at the end to put into practice and assistance reinforce what y'all learned.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

References: Python documentation

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